阿魯巴 Top 100 TikTok網紅排行榜

排行榜更新時間 2024-10-08
按粉絲數排序 Nox評級榜 依照互動率排序
  基本資訊粉絲數粉絲互動率平均观看量 Nox評級
1 99 Gil Croes Gil Croes3580萬 - 6.31% 291.86萬
2 96 Jay Croes Jay Croes2410萬 - 8.26% 983.23萬
3 20 Bárbara Ceballos Bárbara Ceballos260萬 - 10.07% 34.12萬
4 44 Harvey Harvey120萬 - 15.77% 4123
5 20 SubwayCreatures SubwayCreatures110萬 - 6.59% 14.61萬
6 48 Contractor Ken Contractor Ken96.36萬 0% 13.57% 2.74萬
7 49 Karla Antonella Port Karla Antonella Port71萬 - 4.72% 1.19萬
8 91 Gil & Berna❤️‍🔥 Gil & Berna❤️‍🔥58.89萬 - 3.08% 103.52萬
9 43 GileanHoek GileanHoek56.07萬 - 5.08% 3.15萬
10 86 Brandon Brandon50.62萬 0.1% 18.08% 2750
11 72 🎶Diego Toro🕺 🎶Diego Toro🕺50.51萬 0% 11.98% 2934
12 23 Jennifer cortes Jennifer cortes48.63萬 0% 5.19% 3220
13 37 Kamryn Reynolds Kamryn Reynolds39.12萬 0.1% 9.45% 3994
14 8 🧿 🧿35.96萬 0.1% 6.88% 1.07萬
15 61 CroesBros CroesBros35.57萬 - 15.44% 23.56萬
17 3 Gil Croes ⚡️Empower Creativity Gil Croes ⚡️Empower Creativity27.41萬 - 16.78% 4011
18 3 Teyaroo - طياروو Teyaroo - طياروو25.86萬 0% 6.31% 48.14萬
19 30 Yarlisa Quezada Yarlisa Quezada24.26萬 - 0% 0
20 2 Germany Cars 🇩🇪 Germany Cars 🇩🇪21.56萬 0.1% 6.17% 24.46萬
21 53 The Revoir The Revoir21.36萬 0.1% 14.31% 8.56萬
22 70 PierinaNegrin PierinaNegrin21萬 0.1% 11.84% 9735
23 9 Jay🌎 Jay🌎20.67萬 0.1% 13.57% 1381
24 8 GENXWORLD GENXWORLD20.54萬 - 10.95% 3.8萬
25 6 La glaser La glaser19.99萬 - 5.8% 1.49萬
26 67 🦋Mariana🦋 🦋Mariana🦋18.75萬 0.1% 10.57% 7187
27 28 Luis Mexia Luis Mexia17.51萬 0.1% 4.84% 27.31萬
28 4 Gays Repost Gays Repost17.42萬 - 4.19% 6.28萬
29 22 Trevor Johnston Trevor Johnston17.03萬 0.1% 10.45% 1.84萬
30 61 Jay Jay16.5萬 - 21.55% 2.89萬
31 63 Jesús Guzmán Jesús Guzmán16.36萬 - 6.61% 1170
32 11 Om Şavkat Om Şavkat16.34萬 - 3.51% 5.61萬
33 64 Paola Hidalgo Paola Hidalgo14.13萬 - 17.23% 854
34 27 Michael-Anthony Fowler Michael-Anthony Fowler13.79萬 0.1% 3.59% 5640
35 40 Gabriela Joven | Travel girl Gabriela Joven | Travel girl13.37萬 - 11.81% 4.55萬
36 19 😇😇😇😇🏖🏖carmenrosa27 😇😇😇😇🏖🏖carmenrosa2711.98萬 - 24.63% 552
37 58 xnovell xnovell11.88萬 - 10.05% 2177
38 12 FrestoMusic FrestoMusic11.8萬 - 10.13% 4961
39 6 elaina elaina11.24萬 - 20.93% 93.68萬
40 38 Karolay miranda Karolay miranda11.19萬 - 8.16% 3.91萬
41 38 Karitto Mieles ❤️ Karitto Mieles ❤️10.19萬 - 13.65% 705
42 21 Valeria Rojas Valeria Rojas9.57萬 - 9.56% 6.49萬
43 39 🪱 🪱9.29萬 - 9.43% 3422
44 16 Rosamaria Montibeller Rosamaria Montibeller8.34萬 - 8.68% 10.14萬
45 41 feelinglostinside feelinglostinside8.16萬 - 20.48% 29.22萬
46 4 omar omar7.95萬 - 14.73% 2.79萬
47 46 IBattistaparrucchier IBattistaparrucchier7.93萬 - 3.98% 7015
48 36 Carlos L Carlos L7.93萬 - 22.75% 1260
49 9 lise🐆 lise🐆7.38萬 0.1% 16.46% 1.29萬
50 21 Chris Arce 😎 Chris Arce 😎7.29萬 - 16.94% 1.92萬
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